" A man travels the world in search of what he needs
And returns home to find it "

Monday 2 July 2018

Hello again

It has been a while since I was last here, life has had it's up and downs .My motivation has been lacking to the point I was believing it had packed it's bags and moved out. Being winter doesn't seem to help ,cold frosty mornings ,although the days have been lovely and warm it still takes me a while to start moving. My loving hubby bought me some flowers the other day and these inspired this photo.
  I hope Motivation is still nestled warmly among all of you and wish you happy healthy days.
    Mel .

Sunday 14 June 2015

Morning Light

 I awoke this morning to a steamy mug of coffee, lovingly delivered by hubby before he departed for work .
The light slowly seeping across everything , painting the morning sky in soft pinks and oranges ,waking the birds to song . A slight breeze rustles the leaves of the gum trees ,it's cool but not cold as it has been and it's a welcome pleasantry .We have been promised rain, I hope it falls steadily ,washing away the accumulated dust.
 The house is dark on such an overcast day ,the soft light of my scented candles sets a mood and fills the house with a scent of apple and spice .My sunflowers bringing a hint of sun to brighten the dining room

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Bring on chilly

These chillies are the only thing thriving in my garden ,at the moment .
The lack of rain has taken it's toll.
They will be put to good use as the cold weather starts to creep in
In fact (please pardon the pun ) I cant wait for the mornings to be a little chillier
They are predicting rain over the Easter weekend ,I have my fingers crossed and my toes .
If you have any rain too spare ,your most welcome to send it my way .
Hopefully my next post will be about the weather being good for ducks ,until then take care.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Passionate about pie

I have been willing winter to finally arrive , I am tired of the heat ,the dry crunchy grass under foot ,the dust that seems to creep through the cracks, that covers everything in it's smelly dry dusty folds .I am craving cooler mornings touched with frost ,I am craving hot chocolate and warm crackling fires ,fingerless gloves and warm pies straight from the oven with flaky buttery pastry.
so with these cravings firmly established ,I set about making mince pies .Some topped with Flakie buttery pastry ,others with creamy mashed potato and grated cheese ,all with hot gravy soaked herby mince .
They were a success .

Tuesday 27 January 2015

The hands of time


 Time whizzes past like an express train at times ,leaving you standing at the station in bewilderment .
 Or at times it slowly and quietly creeps away on you ,turning the bend never to be seen again.
 I find it funny how summer lasts an eternity when we are young but flies past so quickly once we've grown .
 As the gears of the clock tick by with sustained precision I know when I wake I will have the belief that the day is stretched out before me ,the hours long and abundant ,but I will find myself in the dark of night wondering how it was that the day just slipped from my grasp
                                                                           Tick ,Tick ,Tick

This Beautiful spot is a place named , The Drip . I could have spent my whole day here , soaking away the anxieties  of life ,I had to keep reminding myself to stop being a photographer and just look and take in the beauty and breathe ..in , out ..inhale , exhale .I will return soon ,very soon ,and will spend more time here for sure .

Tuesday 29 April 2014

                                        It is at the edge of a petal 
                                             That love waits.
                                                ~William Carlos Williams